Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo, stars of the highly anticipated Wicked movie adaptation, have found themselves at the center of an unexpected internet phenomenon. While promoting the film during a press junket, the duo unintentionally created a viral meme that left fans puzzled yet entertained. It all started when journalist Tracy Gilchrist posed a question about the song “Defying Gravity,” stating, “People are taking the lyrics and really holding space with that and feeling power in that.”
Cynthia Erivo, visibly moved by the statement, responded with heartfelt emotion. Her reaction was so genuine that Grande instinctively reached out, clasping one of Erivo’s fingers in what became a widely shared moment online. The conversation, however, baffled fans who couldn’t quite wrap their heads around the meaning of “holding space.” Social media erupted with comments, ranging from genuine curiosity to outright confusion, as users debated what exactly was happening.
The stars themselves later admitted they were just as perplexed as everyone else. In a follow-up interview with Variety, Erivo reflected on her initial reaction, saying she was surprised by the journalist’s observation and hadn’t been aware of the trend. Grande candidly shared that she didn’t fully understand the question either but felt compelled to support her co-star. “I didn’t understand the first sentence, and then I definitely didn’t understand how [Cynthia] responded,” Grande admitted. “I just wanted to be there because I knew something big was happening, even if I didn’t know what it was.”
The finger-grab, which added to the meme’s hilarity, also became a point of discussion. Grande recalled feeling like Erivo needed support in that moment, joking about her own actions while Erivo described the gesture as a “release of tension.” Their dynamic during the exchange highlighted the genuine camaraderie between the two, a reflection of their close friendship both on and off the set.
Gilchrist, the journalist who inadvertently sparked the viral moment, later clarified her use of the term “holding space.” She explained that it refers to being physically, emotionally, and mentally present for someone or something. For her, the idea was inspired by the resilience and empowerment conveyed in the lyrics of “Defying Gravity,” particularly in the wake of challenging times. Reflecting on the moment’s unexpected internet fame, she expressed both surprise and delight, noting that she appreciated the humor and campiness it brought to light.
For Grande and Erivo, the experience of becoming a meme has been a mix of amusement and relief. Grande joked about feeling validated by the public’s shared confusion, saying, “I feel really relieved that the world had the same experience with this moment that I did.” Erivo, on the other hand, embraced the fun side of the situation, even quipping that she’d love to see “holding space” printed on a T-shirt.
As the buzz around the moment continues, the stars remain good-natured about the unexpected spotlight. The interview clip, much like Wicked itself, has brought joy and sparked conversations, reminding everyone of the power of humor, connection, and shared experiences—even when nobody fully understands what’s happening. For Erivo and Grande, it’s another chapter in their journey with Wicked, one that proves the magic of the story extends far beyond the screen.
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